Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Here I go...

Have you ever wanted to do something, but honestly didn't know how to get started?  

Ever sit down at a computer and have so many things to say but not be able to bring yourself actually to type out the words?  

That is the story of me and blogging.  I have always wanted to start a teacher's blog.  In fact, this is the third one in the past four years I have tried to start.  (I never published any of the others).  But I am bound and determined to post this one for other educators to read.  I read many other educators blogs, and I have learned so much from the experiences they share.  

You see, way back when I was in middle school, I was told by my English teacher that I was just "no good at writing."  That woman's voice and those words have haunted me every time I sit down to write anything.  (literally anything...for the past 15 years!)  It's like I have PTSD when it comes to writing because for some reason I decided to believe that woman.  

So why do this if I still have that voice echoing in my head even as I sit and type out this post?  Well, if I am being honest, I am starting this blog as my capstone project for my Master's Degree.  

Image take from HeartsAndMindsbBooks.com


I want to inspire other teacher's:  PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE.  Share your experiences in your classroom with other educators!  I am thankful to those educators out there that have already done this.  I have learned so much from you!  

Let's be the voices in our students' heads years after they are no longer in our classroom that tells them "You can do this!"  (whatever "this" may be!)

Join me in reflecting, collaborating, and inspiring other educators! 


ReferencesImage. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.heartsandmindsbooks.com/2017/01/more_best_books_of_2016_-_a_g/

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