Thursday, August 2, 2018

Life is about the process...

Normally I am not one to talk about my accomplishments and this post is no different, but I do want to take a minute and reflect on the past two years of going through my master's degree and what it has meant to me and my profession.

I started out my master's program in pursuit of a degree in Educational Administration.  As I progressed through my first two classes and really took some time to think about where I wanted my career to go, I realized my passion was in educational technology and teaching other educators how to effectively use technology in their classroom.  

At first this frustrated me because I had taken two classes I didn't actually need, but the more I have gone through my classes the  more I realize that taking those to classes was part of the process of getting to the decision I did.  I am learning that is what life is about.  I realize that many times life is not about the end result but about the process of getting to the end result.  That may sound cliche'.  I have heard that before, but never truly understood it.  Not that I do, it helps this high anxiety teacher enjoy the process of whatever it is I am working through.  That may be a curriculum, a needy student, or even just how I am going to set up my Planbook for the upcoming year.  It is a process and eventually I get to where I want or need to be.  

Now to remember that as the stresses of the beginning of the school year start...



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